Obsessive - Housemaid Costume L/XL

Artikelnummer: E24022

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  • Obsessive - Housemaid Costume L/XL S/M Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E24022 5901688202937
  • Obsessive - Housemaid Costume L/XL L/XL Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  9 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 9) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E26730 5901688202944

Nach obenInformationen über Obsessive - Housemaid Costume L/XL

Room service? Just a second?

With this sassy costume you will definitely heat up the atmosphere!
So? Don?t wait too long. Let these naughty details encourage your lover to the naughty play.
It?s starting right now!

Wanna know more? Here you are:
sexy costume of a naughty hausemaid
white satin ruffles and black bow - perfect details
seductively decorated neckline
lacy corset with adjustable straps and garters - perfect fit
mini-skirt with several layers of mesh, satin and lace tying with a satin bow at the waist - sexy buttocks exposed!
sexy stockings included
pleasant, flexible fabrics: skirt, corset, thong, headband: 90% nylon, 10% elastane; stockings: 80% nylon, 20% elastane