Kiiroo - Keon Table Clamp

Product Number: E33517


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  • Kiiroo - Keon Table Clamp   On stock, shipped same day. E33517 8720256722144

UpInformation about Kiiroo - Keon Table Clamp

The Feel Stroker is Kiiroo's first ever stroker designed with the most realistic sensations in mind. The skin-like material gives you the most pleasurable experience possible.

Get the right angle. This Table Clamp is designed to work with your Keon Automatic Masturbator, allowing you to position yourself in any way you feel comfortable. Quick and simple to attach to any hard surface.

Material: Stainless Steel and ABS
Box height: 215mm / 21.5cm / 8.5 inch
Box Depth: 80mm / 8cm / 3.15 inch
Box Width: 140mm / 14cm / 5.5 inch
Box Weight: 664grams / 1.5 lbs / 23.4 oz
Table Clamp height: 180mm / 18cm / 7.1 inch
Table Clamp width: 110mm / 11cm / 4.3 inch
Table Clamp depth: 50mm / 5cm / 2.0 inch
Table Clamp weight without box: 538 grams / 1.2 lbs / 19.0 oz