Kiiroo - Feel Stroker - PBC Pale

Numéro de produit: E35142


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  • Kiiroo - Feel Stroker - PBC Pale   En stock, expédié le jour même. E35142 8720256722878

Vers le hautDes informations sur Kiiroo - Feel Stroker - PBC Pale

The Feel Stroker is Kiiroo?s first ever stroker designed with the most realistic sensations in mind. The skin-like material gives you the most pleasurable experience.The Feel stroker was designed to be used with Keon, Kiiroo?s flagship masturbator and the PowerBlow, Kiiroo?s newest suction device that will bring users closer than ever before to feeling what they see on screen.

Product specifications:
Material Stroker: ABS, PC
Material Sleeve: TPE
Item Weight: 550 g / 19,4 oz / 1.21 lb
Item Height: 223 mm / 22,3 cm / 8.78 inch
Item Width: Bottom Cap 85 mm / 8.5 cm / 3,4 inch - Top Cap 58 mm / 5.8 cm / 2.3inch
Item Length: Bottom Cap 85 mm / 8.5 cm / 3.4 inch - Top Cap 58 mm / 5.8 cm / 2.28inch
Item Packaged Weight: 623 g / 21.97 oz / 1.37 lb
Item Packaged Height: 230 mm / 23 cm / 9.05 inch
Item Packaged Width: 92 mm / 9.2 cm / 3.62 inch
Item Packaged Length: 92mm / 9.2 cm / 3.62 inch