Clone-A-Willy - Kit Jet Black

Artikelnummer: E22842

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  • Clone-A-Willy - Kit Jet Black   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  13 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 13) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E22842 763290888528

Nach obenInformationen über Clone-A-Willy - Kit Jet Black

This is not a skin tone, it's a state of mind. Includes everything needed to make an exact vibrating replica of your favorite penis in Jet Black. The Clone-A-Willy?s medically-tested molding gel process captures incredible, life-like detail, making this the most personalized vibrating sex toy you will ever own. The Jet Black kit contains the same supplies as the original Clone-A-Willy kit, but in super-sleek Jet Black.

1. Mix water with specially timed molding power.
2. Insert your willy into the molding tube until it solidifies.
3. Pour the rubber into the mold.
4. Wait a minimum of 8 hours to remove from mold.