Cloneboy - Dildo & Harness Strap

Artikelnummer: E23915

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  • Cloneboy - Dildo & Harness Strap   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  9 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 9) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E23915 7109616643519

Nach obenInformationen über Cloneboy - Dildo & Harness Strap

After the success of the first series, the Cloneboy team developed a complete new Cloneboy series, which includes a cockring and extra moulding material for an extra reproduction which guarantees you a high quality silicone 3D-replication of your penis. Our kit is suitable for penises of all sizes. Even bend ones.

The Cloneboy Harness contains all the necessary items to make a personal dildo from your penis. The Cloneboy Harness has three exciting applications to enrich your sexual experiences. These applications are; a handle (of a threaded end) mounted in your dildo, a suction cup to place your dildo on every possible object and a comfortable harness strap in which your dildo is placed to enrich your sexual experiences.

The Cloneboy contains no plaster that can irritate the skin and uses a medically tested moulding material made from natural algae.