Cloneboy - Dildo & Suction Cap Pink

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  • Cloneboy - Dildo & Suction Cap Pink   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  8 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 8) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E23916 8717953156693

Nach obenInformationen über Cloneboy - Dildo & Suction Cap Pink

After the success of the first series, the Cloneboy team developed a complete new Cloneboy series, which includes a cockring and extra moulding material for an extra reproduction which guarantees you a high quality silicone 3D-replication of your penis. Our kit is suitable for penises of all sizes. Even bend ones.

The Cloneboy Cast Your Own Dildo Suction kit contains all the necessary items to make a silicone rubber copy of your penis either alone, or together with your partner. The Cloneboy contains no plaster that can irritate the skin and uses a medically tested moulding material made from natural algae.

The simplicity of the kit enables you to create your own Clone in a few easy steps with perfect results every time. Unlike other kits The Cloneboy contain standard 2 bags of 3D gel. You will always have a second chance to make a good impression of your penis, a lasso cock ring ensuring you keep an erection during the moulding process, is far easier to use with a longer 3 minute mould setting time and has an added stimulation sleeve that can be used with your creation of your own penis!