Fifty Shades of Grey - Inner Goddess Mini Silver Pleasure Balls 85g

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  • Fifty Shades of Grey - Inner Goddess Mini Silver Pleasure Balls 85g   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  27 (derzeitige Woche: 26) (Kw 27) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E27144 5060680311099

Nach obenInformationen über Fifty Shades of Grey - Inner Goddess Mini Silver Pleasure Balls 85g

Rediscover the steamy adventures of Anastasia and Christian Grey with the Fifty Shades of Grey Official Pleasure Collection. Based on the erotic literary phenomenon that introduced couples across the globe to the sensuality of BDSM, selling over 150 million copies worldwide, and spawned three highly successful movies, these carefully curated toys and bondage accessories have been a global success since they first hit the shelves in 2012.

And now, the most popular products from the range have inspired four brand new collections. The Inner Goddess Collection delivers discreet internal stimulation through a variety of sleek Kegel toys.

- Silver pleasure balls for beginner Kegel training ? around 30% smaller in size and weight than the best-selling Inner Goddess Pleasure Balls
- Combined weight of 85g
- Tones and strengthens pelvic floor muscles
- Smooth and sleek black silicone with silver steel balls and tag
- 100% waterproof
- Comes with a satin storage bag
- Logo engraved into the tag