Handy - Interactive Masturbator 1.1 Attachment Original TrueGrip

Artikelnummer: E34872

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  • Handy - Interactive Masturbator 1.1 Attachment Original TrueGrip   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  13 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 13) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E34872 7090053288698

Nach obenInformationen über Handy - Interactive Masturbator 1.1 Attachment Original TrueGrip

The Handy Original TrueGrip Sleeve is designed to ensure maximum pleasure with your Handy with minimum fuss.

The different inner patterns and flexibility when combined with movements of The Handy, recreates the sensation of either having a blowjob or penetrative sex. The sleeve can also be turned inside out for a less intense, smoother sensation. Due to the closed-ended design, the sleeve helps to contain any mess and is super easy to clean.