Happy Rabbit - Rechargeable Vibrating Bullet Black

Artikelnummer: E32241

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  • Happy Rabbit - Rechargeable Vibrating Bullet Black   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  27 (derzeitige Woche: 26) (Kw 27) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E32241 5060779231680

Nach obenInformationen über Happy Rabbit - Rechargeable Vibrating Bullet Black

We've combined our iconic happy rabbit ears and the incredible power of a bullet vibrator to bring you pinpoint clitoral pleasure.

Small but mighty, these petite, pocket-sized vibes are powerful enough to provide incredible targeted stimulation, with 12 mind-blowing vibration modes.

- 3 speeds and 9 patterns to explore for customised pleasure sessions
- Travel lock prevents your happy rabbit from unexpectedly hopping into action
- Waterproof vibe is ready to help you make a splash in the bath or shower