HighOnLove - Sensual Lip Balm 7 ml

Artikelnummer: E32183

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  • HighOnLove - Sensual Lip Balm 7 ml   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E32183 628250123869

Nach obenInformationen über HighOnLove - Sensual Lip Balm 7 ml

Keep lips irresistibly soft and kissable with HighOnLove's Limited Edition Sensual Lip Balm, blended with premium cannabis seed oil and shea butter to provide an alluring shine that's smooth, never sticky. Tingly-sweet with an addictive aroma of juicy pear, this balm noticeably plumps lips, making it perfect as a base for your favourite lip colour. With a warming and cooling sensation, it also provides additional stimulation on lips and intimate areas, so it doubles as a bedroom must-have for elevated foreplay.

7 ml