Intimate Earth - Anal Relaxing Serum Daring for Men 30 ml

Artikelnummer: E26166

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  • Intimate Earth - Anal Relaxing Serum Daring for Men 30 ml   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  31 (derzeitige Woche: 26) (Kw 31) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E26166 854397006059

Nach obenInformationen über Intimate Earth - Anal Relaxing Serum Daring for Men 30 ml

Unlike other anal sprays or creams that can numb the sphincter and lead to tearing, this herbal spray causes no anesthetic effects. The anal sphincter becomes relaxed and therefore penetration becomes more comfortable. Intimate Earth Adventure's unique formula contains a certified organic extract blend with the natural potency of clove, goji berry, aloe, and lemongrass. Intimate Earth natural anal relaxing spray does not contain the synthetic compound benzocaine. Adventure works quickly and is easy to apply.

30 ml