Intimate Earth - Elite Silicone Glide 60 ml

Artikelnummer: E26206

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  • Intimate Earth - Elite Silicone Glide 60 ml   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E26206 854397006424

Nach obenInformationen über Intimate Earth - Elite Silicone Glide 60 ml

Intimate Organics has created the most advanced ultra-light silicone glide formula ever. Silicone of the highest grade are infused with natural Shiitake extracts and nourishing Vitamin E in order to give the best glide product available on the market. This leading edge formula is not absorbed by the body and the unique consistency gives maximum lubrication with an undeniable light silky smooth feel over a very long time.

60 ml