Iroha by Tenga - Rin Plus Vibrator Sango

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  • Iroha by Tenga - Rin Plus Vibrator Sango   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  8 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 8) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E28929 4560220559970

Nach obenInformationen über Iroha by Tenga - Rin Plus Vibrator Sango

The iroha RIN and its unique soft sphere tip is now available in a rechargeable model. The iroha RIN+ retains its easy-to-hold shape, and features 4 vibration strengths and 2 pulse patterns, with the soft spherical tip providing a unique sensation for insertable pleasure. Enjoy an evolution in insertable pleasure from iroha with the iroha RIN+.

Product Specifications
Product Size: W35×D35×H160mm
Product Weight: 100g
Running Time: Approx. 90min (Full Strength)
Charging Time: Approx. 120min (5V1A)
Waterproof up to 50 cm
Materials (Product): Silicone/ABS/PC/Lithium Ion Polymer Battery (Li-poly)
USB Cable: PVC, magnet
Warranty Period: one (1) year
Content: Product/USB Cable/User Manual