Kiiroo - FeelSensation

Artikelnummer: E34913

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  • Kiiroo - FeelSensation   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E34913 8720256722823

Nach obenInformationen über Kiiroo - FeelSensation

This non-anatomical stroker was designed to improve your performance. FeelSensation has a tighter entrance than most of Kiiroo?s Fee Strokers, which makes for a pretty intense ride when paired with the nubs and bumps inside the tunnel.Pair the FeelSensation Stroker with the Keon automatic masturbator or PowerBlow suction device for the ultimate mix of sensations.

Product specifications:
Material Stroker: ABS, PC
Material Sleeve: TPE
Item Weight: 542 g / 19,12 oz / 1.2 lb
Item Height: 235 mm / 2.35cm/ 0.93 inch
Item Width: Bottom Cap 88 mm / 8.8 cm / 3,5 inch - Top Cap 58 mm / 5.8 cm / 2.3 inch
Item Length: 237 mm / 23.7cm / 9.3 inch
Item Packaged Weight: 592 g / 21.0 oz / 1.31 lb
Item Packaged Height: 240 mm / 24 cm / 9.45 inch
Item Packaged Width: 90 mm / 9 cm / 3.54 inch