LoversPremium - Massage for Lovers DVD

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  • LoversPremium - Massage for Lovers DVD   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  14 (derzeitige Woche: 14) (Kw 14) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E22060 8717903271797

Nach obenInformationen über LoversPremium - Massage for Lovers DVD

Massage for lovers: giving and receiving pleasure.

Discover the secrets of sensual massage that will leave you and your partner invigorated. Follow our couples as they discover new ways to give and receive the intimate benefits of soothing touch.
Learn with them about creating the perfect setting, using massage oils and enjoying the wide range of LoversPremiums Spa Wellness Massagers, arousing all five senses and relaxing the entire body.

This is the best step-by-step program for couples who want to learn how to pamper and pleasure each other.

- Creating the perfect setting
- Satisfying all five senses
- Using massage oils
- Using spa wellness massagers
- Relaxing the entire body
- Intimacy and touch

Special DVD Features:
- Multilingual: English, Spanish, French, German & Portuguese audio and menus
- English & Dutch subtitles for the hearing impaired
- Full length bonus scene

Approx. 65 minutes.

Check for more information the LoversPremium website: