Mystim - Right On Ron eStim Vibrator Black

Artikelnummer: E33854

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  • Mystim - Right On Ron eStim Vibrator Black   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E33854 4260152465416

Nach obenInformationen über Mystim - Right On Ron eStim Vibrator Black

Ron is designed for intense G-spot stimulation, with both e-stim and vibration. With 8 vibration and 5 e-stim programs, as well as a pelvic floor training function, Ron is designed to win you over. If Ron hits a wall, you can very quickly get him going again with any magnetic charging cable.

8 vibration programmes
5 e-stim programmes with 10 intensity levels
Training program for the female pelvic floor improves orgasmic ability
Medical grade silicone for a pleasant feeling and high skin friendliness
Especially quiet in spite of two powerful motors

Type: e-stim vibrator
Length 16,5 cm
Diameter 3,6 cm
Made of 100 % medical grade platinum silicone
Mystim magnet charger and USB-charger
included Instructions in GER, ENG, FRA, ITA, ESP, NL und RUS
No electrical device needed