Mystim - Tingling Aparte eStim Vibrator Black

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  • Mystim - Tingling Aparte eStim Vibrator Black   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  17 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 17) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E26778 4260152468776

Nach obenInformationen über Mystim - Tingling Aparte eStim Vibrator Black

Our e-stim vibes are toys that have you enjoy both - vibration and electrical stimulation at once ? and they don't even need a nerve stimulator kit for it. No cables, no devices ? Daring Danny vibrates, tingles and pulsates all on his own. Danny has not only two but four conductive areas so that he can stimulate vaginal and clitoral all at once.

Our e-stim vibes are certainly nice to look at, but there is more to them than meets the eye: 100% medical grade silicone, re-chargeable li-ion batteries, two powerful motors and magnetic charging are just some of the unique features of the Mystim electrosex vibrators. 8 vibration modes and 5 types of electrical stimulation were just not enough for us, therefor all Mystim e-stim vibes are also kegel excercisers ? which verifiably enhance the ladies' ability to reach an orgasm. The three different functions are easily controlled via the buttons in the handle. You can choose whether you want e-stim and vibration together or only one of them.

- Vibration & E-Stim in one
- 2 extra-strong motors
- Extremely quiet
- Waterproof
- 100% medical-grade platinum silicone
- 8 vibration programs with 5 intensity levels
- 5 e-stim programs with 10 intensity levels
- 1 pelvic floor training program
- Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery
- 2-year manufacturer's warranty