Orgie - Orgasm Drops Clitoral Arousal 30 ml

Artikelnummer: E32274

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  • Orgie - Orgasm Drops Clitoral Arousal 30 ml   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E32274 5600298351157

Nach obenInformationen über Orgie - Orgasm Drops Clitoral Arousal 30 ml

Exciting drops for clitoris arousal. Orgasm Drops is an exclusive and groundbreaking Orgie formulation employing high-end raw materials. A
dropper with an incredible formula to sensitize the clitoris. Orgasm Drops must be applied directly on the clitoris, one or two drops are enough to stimulate and increase the woman arousal resulting in extreme pleasure.

- increases the sensibility
- much more excitement
- an incredible formula to sensitize the clitoris
- Warming and cooling sensations that evolves during the effect
- enjoy few drops, the effect is intensive

30 ml