Orgie - Orgasm Drops Vibe! 15 ml

Artikelnummer: E32276

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  • Orgie - Orgasm Drops Vibe! 15 ml   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E32276 5600298351652

Nach obenInformationen über Orgie - Orgasm Drops Vibe! 15 ml

Clitoral arousal with tingling effect. The new Orgasm Drops Vibe! brings the same effects of its original product: sensitizes the clitoris, promotes an initial refreshing sensation followed by a pleasant warming sensation leading to a whirlwind of pleasure now boosted by its new effect: the already famous vibrating sensation delivered by Orgie product line Sexy Vibe!

- increases the clitoris sensibility and promotes aa vibration effect Orgie's exclusive and groundbreaking formulation
- employs selected high-end raw materials
- the ultimate product for clitoris arousal
- mind blowing sensations and climax
- A rollercoaster of new sensations!

15 ml