Orgie - The Secret Seduction Elixir 10 in 1 200 ml

Artikelnummer: E32299

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  • Orgie - The Secret Seduction Elixir 10 in 1 200 ml   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E32299 5600298351348

Nach obenInformationen über Orgie - The Secret Seduction Elixir 10 in 1 200 ml

Body and hair moisturizer with pheromones. The Secret Seduction Elixir 10 in 1 is a moisturizing spray enriched with Argan Oil, Panthenol and Coconut Oil. It is the synthesis of functionality and seduction that combines everything that women need (and wish!) in an unique remarkable product. On top of all its sensual appeal, The Secret Elixir yet reveals 10 effective functions:

? Aphrodisiac Fragrance
? Active Pheromones
? Skin Satin Touch
? Skin Moisturizing
? UV Capillary Filter
? Hair Tips Repair
? Hair Detangle and Anti-Frizz
? Hair Color Protection
? Hair Shine and Softness
? Aligns Hair Strands

200 ml