Orgie - Xtra Time Delay Gel 15 ml

Artikelnummer: E32280

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  • Orgie - Xtra Time Delay Gel 15 ml   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E32280 5600298351195

Nach obenInformationen über Orgie - Xtra Time Delay Gel 15 ml

Gel to delay ejaculation. Anesthetic free Xtra Time Delay Gel was developed with selected natural active ingredients that decrease the penis sensitivity. Its
exclusive formula desensitizes the penile glans favoring male arousal time and performance. Lidocaine and benzocaine free.

- exclusive formula anestethic free
- desensitizes the penile glans
- increasing the time of sex
- nice for intimate massage
- bring fun in a couple sex life

15 ml