Petits Joujoux - Massage Candle Rom. Getaway 120 gram

Artikelnummer: E24794

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  • Petits Joujoux - Massage Candle Rom. Getaway 120 gram   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  9 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 9) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E24794 4260152467267

Nach obenInformationen über Petits Joujoux - Massage Candle Rom. Getaway 120 gram

A sleepy block hut in the woods, an open fireplace, a weekend alone - the subtle scent of ginger biscuit paints a warm and dreamy picture in the Petits Joujoux Fine Massage Candle "A trip to a Romantic Getaway".

Its wax melts into pleasantly warm massage oil enriched with high quality cosmetic ingredients like jojoba oil and Shea butter that provide the skin with nourishment and care. Petits Joujoux fine massage candles are made from all natural ingredients without any artificial coloring or preservatives.

Content: 120g