Pink - Indulgence Hybrid Creme Lubricant 100 ml

Artikelnummer: E22446

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  • Pink - Indulgence Hybrid Creme Lubricant 100 ml   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  14 (derzeitige Woche: 14) (Kw 14) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E22446 892172001295

Nach obenInformationen über Pink - Indulgence Hybrid Creme Lubricant 100 ml

Ultra-soft, velvety crème lubricant combines pure- water, specialty crème emulsifiers, and a touch of silicone for a unique texture.

- Unscented, flavor-free
- Fortified with Botanicals
- Condom compatible
- Safe for toys

Paradise is where passion grows. Experience your delight and desire with Pink Indulgence Intimate Lubricant. This ultra-soft, velvety crème lubricant combines pure-water, specialty crème emulsifiers, and a touch of silicone to create a unique texture that can be used for intercourse and foreplay massage. Light-weight, lasting-lasting, and non-drying, Pink Indulgence keeps your passion alive and growing.

100 ml