Pink - Water Water Based Lubricant 140 ml

Artikelnummer: E29430

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  • Pink - Water Water Based Lubricant 140 ml   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  13 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 13) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E29430 891306000418

Nach obenInformationen über Pink - Water Water Based Lubricant 140 ml

Slippery and long-lasting like silicone, but more like your own natural moisture.

- Purified-water based
- Fortified extracts of Aloe
- Vera, Ginseng & Guarana
- Unscented, flavor-free
- Condom compatible
- Safe for toys

Come alive and feel new pleasures. Pink Water Intimate Lubricant is a premier purified water-base lubricant that provides the long-lasting glide of silicone, but also offers a wetter, lighter- weight blended texture that is both slippery smooth and easy to rinse away. Pink Water feels surprisingly like your own natural moisture, and is the ideal enhancement since it won't dry out and is irritation-free so the pleasure is all yours. Contains added extracts of Aloe Vera and Oat to repair and minimize irritation, and Ginseng and Guarana to heighten sensation and increase blood flow.

140 ml