Pleasure Wigs - Pruik Amber White Glow in the Dark

Artikelnummer: E33458
Marke: Pleasure Wigs

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  • Pleasure Wigs - Pruik Amber White Glow in the Dark   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E33458 848416009374

Nach obenInformationen über Pleasure Wigs - Pruik Amber White Glow in the Dark

Always wanted to be an Amber? Now you can channel that persona
with Pleasure Wigs! The ?Amber? is a sleek banged wig, straight and
smooth, hitting the middle of the back with length, colored in a glamorous platinum blond. This Amber, however, is more fun than any you?ve ever met - flip the switch and this beauty glows in the dark, a beautiful yellow neon! Amber in the day, Amber in the night ? your choice, or go with both!