Sensuva - Ultra-Stimulating ON Insane Lubricant Butter Rum 57 ml

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  • Sensuva - Ultra-Stimulating ON Insane Lubricant Butter Rum 57 ml   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  14 (derzeitige Woche: 14) (Kw 14) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E30621 810002660757

Nach obenInformationen über Sensuva - Ultra-Stimulating ON Insane Lubricant Butter Rum 57 ml

By far, ON INSANE is the strongest, most intensely arousing personal moisturizer on the market. A number of women report the feeling of movement inside the body, plus an intensely warm sensation around the clitoris. ON INSANE is for women who love intense arousal, and may want to pair it with ON Arousal for Her products for a maximum effect.

Colorless when applied. ON INSANE feels unlike any other stimulating personal moisturizer you?ve ever tried. Along with an intense warming feeling, it creates the feeling of movement inside the body. Women can feel an intense sensation using it externally as well. SHAKE WELL before use.

57 ml