Sportsheets - Sincerely Lace Fur Lined Handcuffs

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  • Sportsheets - Sincerely Lace Fur Lined Handcuffs   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  14 (derzeitige Woche: 14) (Kw 14) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E28904 646709520175

Nach obenInformationen über Sportsheets - Sincerely Lace Fur Lined Handcuffs

Lace Fur Lined Hand Cuffs offer beauty without compromising on durability. Use (2) lock and keys to tease and explore power exchanges. Pair with your favorite Satin Blindfold or fur flogger for more extreme sensory play. Adjustable buckle and strap make wearing and removal simple yet secure.
Product Specifications;
- Cuff length is 25.4 cm and width is 6.35 cm.
- 30% polyurethane, 30% polyethylene, 30% polyester, 10% nickel free metal