Swan - The Cygnet Swan Pink

Artikelnummer: E32736

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  • Swan - The Cygnet Swan Pink   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E32736 677613321169

Nach obenInformationen über Swan - The Cygnet Swan Pink

The Cygnet is known for its playful innocence, but do not let that fool you. This SWAN is ready and waiting for you to take control. The Swan Cygnet?s curvaceous shape will target your most intimate areas while its tip will provide you with a beautifully intense sensation like you have never felt before. Through its perfectly positioned clitoral arm, the powerful vibrations experienced run through an array of sensations from a light pleasurable pulsation to an incredibly satisfying flutter and ultimately to a vibration so rapid it approaches the near invisible motion of a hummingbird. Allow the Swan Cygnet to swoop in and take you on a sensual journey of pleasure.