The Cowgirl - The Unicorn Premium Sex Machine

Artikelnummer: E31683

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  • The Cowgirl - The Unicorn Premium Sex Machine   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  8 (derzeitige Woche: 08) (Kw 8) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E31683 4890808238554

Nach obenInformationen über The Cowgirl - The Unicorn Premium Sex Machine

After galloping through a magical rainbow, our Cowgirl morphed into a beautiful Unicorn and is ready to take you on a ride to the skies!

This Limited Edition Premium sex machine is a new design on our classic Cowgirl. Featuring 2 fun fantasy
attachments, saddle up for your next ride into euphoria with penetrative and non-penetrative stimulation. Crank up the power with a corded LED remote and bring some color to your playtime with a detachable rainbow tail flogger. Plus, with 400lbs of weight capacity, the Unicorn is your perfect adventure partner for solo or partner rides.

Punish or play with the 50 cm fully detachable rainbow tail flogger.

Easy-to-clean liquid-proof floor mat helps to absorb vibration, dampen sound, and provides a comfortable surface for play time.

- 1200 rpm ultra powerful vibrations
- 360 swivel rotation
- 6 vibration patterns
- 2 ways to control
- 2 silicone attachments
- 0 assembly required
- 100% vegan leather
- FeelTechnology enabled

- Premium riding sex machine
- 2x Silicone attachments
- Detachable 50 cm rainbow tail flogger
- Corded LED remote
- Floor mat
- Global adaptor
- User manual