The Screaming O - 4B Double WammyGrape

Artikelnummer: E34955

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  • The Screaming O - 4B Double WammyGrape   Vorübergehend nicht lieferbar, erwartete Lieferung in Woche  14 (derzeitige Woche: 14) (Kw 14) Halte mich auf dem Laufenden E34955 817483015748

Nach obenInformationen über The Screaming O - 4B Double WammyGrape

The powerful, deep-rumbling 4B Double Wammy vibrating ring doubles couples fun with two separate motors uniquely styled for intense stimulation for both partners. Made of lab-tested body-safe SEBS, the stretchy, comfortable band and dual-action wammy effect offer unmatched stimulation for his and her pleasure.

- Two 4B motors with deep, rumbling bass vibrations
- 5 speeds plus 1 pulse pattern
- Lab-tested, 100% body-safe clear SEBS ring
- 100% Waterproof
- 30+ minutes of battery life
- New reliable and long-lasting 4LR44 battery