YESforLOV - Massage Candle Bewitching 120 gr

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  • YESforLOV - Massage Candle Bewitching 120 gr   Vorrätig, Lieferzeit 24 bis 48 Stunden (Werktage Mo-Fr). E26494 3700444604396

Nach obenInformationen über YESforLOV - Massage Candle Bewitching 120 gr

Play with fire. Pour rich oil over the forbidden ramparts. Take your body by siege. (You'll both surrender.)

A living flame. A candle to enchant and excite you. A 100% plant base enriched with natural oils known for their regenerating and softening properties. Specially designed to melt, and to make you melt when the hot, rich oil with its captivating perfume of white tea, Bali flowers and thanaka wood is massaged into your eagerly awaiting skin.

120 g (20 to 25 massages)

Your pleasure, day after day: The bewitching massage candle by YESforLOV was specially developed so that as it melts, the oil will be warm but not too hot. We have enriched its plant base with natural soya, coconut and sesame oils, well-known for their regenerating and softening properties. And to make it even more exciting, we?ve added our enchanting fragrance of white tea, Bali flowers and thanaka wood.

Light the candle. Wait ten minutes until the wax has melted into a rich oil, then blow it out. If the temperature feels comfortable to you, slowly pour the oil into your hands or directly over your partner. For a magical, relaxing, sexy massage.

The YESforLOV candle can also be used as a house fragrance. Light it and leave it burning to fill your room with its bewitching fragrance.