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Paying in advance entails that after filling out your order, you pay the outstanding amount yourself. Should you opt for a bank transfer, then you will receive a reference number upon placing the order that you must refer to in your transfer remarks.

Expect a period of two to five business days for the transfer to go through, depending on the country in which you are based. As soon as we have received your payment, we will e-mail you a payment confirmation and dispatch our order the same day.

Normally, at the end of the ordering process, you will be shown a bank account number and reference number. We request that you use the bank account number shown from CM Payments and that you refer to the reference number when making the transfer. However, if this is not possible, or you would like to transfer the amount directly to EDC Wholesle B.V. for some other reason, our bank details are as follows:

International bank details
Account number: 3239.95.357
IBAN: NL66 RABO 0323 9953 57
in the name of ONE-DC B.V., Gieten (Rabobank)
mentioning the order number (this can be found in your order confirmation).

Belgian bank details
Account number: 735-0207118-11
IBAN: BE30 7350 2071 1811
in the name of ONE-DC, Antwerp (KBC Bank)
mentioning the order number (this can be found in your order confirmation).


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