Doxy - Number 3 Wand Massager Red

Product Number: E35141


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  • Doxy - Number 3 Wand Massager Red   Temporarily not available, expected in week  52 (current week: 51) (wk 52) keep me informed E35141 712758998415

UpInformation about Doxy - Number 3 Wand Massager Red

The DOXY Number 3 is the new smaller plug-in wand massager from DOXY.

DOXY Number 3 is lighter to hold and easier to manoeuvre. The smaller head allows the user to guide the vibrations more accurately to the desired area of contact and is less obtrusive making for easier couple play.

Although smaller in size, DOXY Number 3 still delivers the power and deep rumbly vibrations for which DOXY is known.