Obsessive - Bath Bomb with Pheromones Sexy

Product Number: OBS0610


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  • Obsessive - Bath Bomb with Pheromones Sexy   Temporarily not available, expected in week  11 (current week: 26) (wk 11) keep me informed OBS0610 5901688220610

UpInformation about Obsessive - Bath Bomb with Pheromones Sexy

Aromatic bath for a start.

Thinking about an extraordinary evening? Get ready with an aromatic bath. Additionally, you can add some extra pheromones and fantastic scent to it. You can be sure that you'll fly away. Straight into his arms![MEER_INFO]

Check all details:
- bath bomb enriched with pheromones
- pheromones emphasize female attractiveness, seduce, stimulate senses,
- scent version ? Sexy ? alluring, oriental-woody fragrance
- bath bomb contains natural, skin-conditioning oils ? they give a feeling of nourishment and leave a protective film on the body
- how to use: unwrap the bath bomb and put it in the bathtub filled with warm water ? voila, that's how you can prepare a very aromatic bath!
- size/weight: 100 g