Orgie - Noriplay Body To Body Massage Gel Ultra Slide 500 ml

Product Number: E32295


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  • Orgie - Noriplay Body To Body Massage Gel Ultra Slide 500 ml   Temporarily not available, expected in week  27 (current week: 26) (wk 27) keep me informed E32295 5600298351324

UpInformation about Orgie - Noriplay Body To Body Massage Gel Ultra Slide 500 ml

Ultra sliding gel for Nuru massage. Noriplay Ultra Slide gel formulated with Seaweed extract delivers the perfect texture and super sliding effect to perform the body to body Nuru massage. Nuru is a Japanese erotic massage. The naked couple covers their body with a colorless slippery lotion and rubs against each other to get the widest (and wildest!)
possible physical contact driving the couple from stress relieve to daring levels of arousal.

- Nuru means slippery
- Japanese body to body massage
- Formulated with seaweed extract
- Gives unique sensations and pleasures
- Ideal for body-on-body massages, relaxing or daring.

500 ml