Satisfyer - Curvy 2+ Air Pulse Stimulator + Vibration Pink

Product Number: J2018-81-3


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  • Satisfyer - Curvy 2+ Air Pulse Stimulator + Vibration Pink   Temporarily not available, expected in week  14 (current week: 26) (wk 14) keep me informed J2018-81-3 4061504001852

UpInformation about Satisfyer - Curvy 2+ Air Pulse Stimulator + Vibration Pink

Pleasuring the clitoris with a balance of Air Pulse technology and intense vibration, the Curvy 2+ features a soft silicone head, and full silicone body which is ergonomically curved for pressure wave satisfaction and when flipped, it seamlessly offers intense G-spot stimulation!

The Curvy 2+ is a part of the new line of Bluetooth enabled products compatible with the Satisfyer Connect App - offering endless possibilities for creative and pleasurable play! The Satisfyer Connect App expands the sexual wellness journey where distance has no bounds![MEER_INFO]

- Rechargeable
- Waterproof IPX7
- Body-friendly silicone
- Whisper mode
- Compatible with any Android or Apple Smartphone, Tablet and Apple Watch
- Unending range of programs with the Satisfyer App Can also be used without the app
- 15 years warranty

Experience endless app highlights:
- 100% data security
- Remote control
- Vibration creater
- Ambient vibrations
- Playlist vibration