Sportsheets - Saffron Loop Paddle

Product Number: E29846


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  • Sportsheets - Saffron Loop Paddle   On stock, shipped same day. E29846 646709480325

UpInformation about Sportsheets - Saffron Loop Paddle

This unique paddle leaves a striking impression...

Your masochist may end up being naughty on purpose to feel the wrath and rapture of this instrument. Somewhere between the tip of a crop and a folded over belt lays this wicked Loop Paddle. Make them wince in anticipation as you send a satisfying smack through the air to warn them of the painful pleasure that awaits. The crimson loop gives you creative leeway to taunt, tantalize, and tempt your plaything in a way that is all your own![MEER_INFO]

Saffron Loop Paddle specifications:
- Material: PU leather
- Wrist loop on the handle adds security during use and a hanging point for storage