Tenga - Masturbator Sleeve 3D Spiral

Product Number: E23108


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  • Tenga - Masturbator Sleeve 3D Spiral   Temporarily not available, expected in week  52 (current week: 51) (wk 52) keep me informed E23108 4560220551370

UpInformation about Tenga - Masturbator Sleeve 3D Spiral

A winding form of release. A form created from winding hexagonal plates. Both the varying sensations of the spiral form and the detailed ribs of each step of the walls combine to provide two separate stimuli catering to those adherent to both hard and soft sensations.[MEER_INFO]

Internal details within devices of the past have only ever held the purpose of providing stimulation.

With the process of reversing, washing and drying, however, the exposed internal details are also in fact the external design.

The instant this perspective is realized, the fusion of stimulating textures and structural beauty becomes the ideal in the pursuit of the pinnacle of masturbation.

TENGA 3D Reversal of convention - sculpted ecstasy.

Dimensions (case included): 72,6(W) x 72,6(D) x 156,5(H) mm