The Screaming O - 4T Double WammyBlueberry

Número de producto: E34974


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  • The Screaming O - 4T Double WammyBlueberry   Temporalmente no disponible, esperado en semana 2 (semana actual :52) (semana 2) mantenerme informado E34974 817483015779

ArribaInformación sobre The Screaming O - 4T Double WammyBlueberry

The treble style, tickle and tease 4T Double Wammy vibrating ring doubles couples fun with two separate motors uniquely styled for intense stimulation for both partners. Made of lab-tested body-safe SEBS, the stretchy, comfortable band and dual-action wammy effect offer unmatched stimulation for his and her pleasure.

- Two 4T motors with treble style, tickle and tease vibrations
- 5 speeds plus 1 pulse pattern
- Lab-tested, 100% body-safe clear SEBS ring
- 100% Waterproof
- 30+ minutes of battery life
- New reliable and long-lasting 4LR44 battery